Pastor Abraham

Houston Texas USA

Pastor Abraham
(281) 707-5550

Pastor Abraham was raised in a Brethren home and Sis. Lilly in a Catholic family before they met and got married in New York City in 1976. Their lives were radically transformed by the power of Jesus while living in New York City and they were dedicated their lives for full time ministry and moved to Springfield, Missouri for his Theological training. The Thomas' believe in breaking down barriers to draw us closer to Jesus and to enjoy His blessings in our lives and so, they believe in respecting people regardless of their social status, cultural background or way of life. The Thomas' have ministered to numerous families and sensitive situations and would gladly available to serve you. You can contact our Pastor at (281) 707-5550 or e-mail at

Ebenezer AG Church is extremely proud and very blessed to have Pastor Thomas and his family as mentors and leaders for the members of this church and our community.