Chandran Jayakumar Lite

Bethesda Maryland USA

I have been called and commissioned by the grace of God to be an ordained minister in 'In Christ washington congregation'.After my theological training (B.D) in the Union Theological Seminary, Pune, I served as an ordained minister in the Diocese of Madras, for 13 years. Since 2002, I have been serving Christ in the USA. I am privileged by the grace of God to be a minister in 'In Christ Washington congregation. I have been happily married to my wife,Roda Chandran for 26 years. My only son is Chris Jacob lite who is a graduate from the university of Maryland.

Depending on God's wisdom and strength, we willingly and gladly serve the Christ, the Lord, in and through our beloved Christ-centered and Christ-committed ICWC congregation. Kindly pray for our church that it may serve as a faithful and a formidable instrument of Christ in the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ, by word and deed, in the world.