Dr. Jacob Jayakumar

Chicago Illinois USA

Dr. Jacob Jayakumar

Archbishop Dr. Jacob Jayakumar Agepog an American Indian Archbishop started his ministry on June 1958, with his main aim to win souls, make them strong disciples of Christ and build the Kingdom of God. In 1968 he received the gift of healing from the Lord and started the healing ministry. He was used of the Lord in Youth for Christ as Assistant Director and as Regional Director. He served in the Methodist Church of Southern Asia and in Methodist Church in India as Pastor, Conference leader of Delegation, District Superintendent of two states until he moved to US. From 1989 Pursuing his doctoral studies in Chicago served as Pastor of India Baptist Church of greater Chicago and later leading the Ethnic Ministry Church in United Methodist Church. In 1997 Archbishop received the Lords call to reach out to people of different nations with the gospel as Chicago is the melting pot of all nations. Thus, Agape India International Ministries was born and renamed as Agape International Church Inc in 2015. Through Agape International Church, Inc. his intense desire is to do God’s work and continue the ministry till his last breath, personally from the core of his heart, he wants to serve the Lord.