United Christian Prayer For India

London, United Kingdom

7 Mulgrave Chambers 26 Mulgrave Road

Sutton, London United Kingdom

In January 2018 nearly 50 senior leaders attended the UCPI National Leaders Consultation in Delhi. We met to hear an update on the progress of the movement and to seek God collectively for its future direction.

The Biblical teaching given by LT Jeyachandran and based on Exodus 19:5-6 and 1 Peter 2:9 (above) focused on the call to church leaders to be priests for a purpose – not only to be holy, but to be holy for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel.

The programme allowed time for personal reflection and repentance. One activity recognised that we were broken individually, as churches and as denominations but God has given us promises. Each leader was given a piece of broken pot, on which they put their name, their denomination (13 were represented) and the promise they have received. At sundown we symbolically placed these on an outline map of India which was then lit. We spent time walking around the map praising God and praying for Him to bring this vision to reality. Many commented that it was a very moving experience which they will never forget and will continue to inspire them into prayer and action.

The aim is to reach one billion (100 crore) people in our lifetime. Having been involved in the movement since its inception four years ago it was encouraging to see that this vision is intact, the enthusiasm and conviction for engaging the laity continues, and the increased ownership of the vision will make it happen. There was a conviction that what once seemed impossible has become possible.

Through a number of presentations and interactive booths, we were able to see how the vision is being fulfilled and the progress to date. This included:

• 1,000 senior leaders have taken hold of the vision.
• 80 state volunteers and 400 church volunteers have been raised up.
• 42 intra church meetings have taken place nationally.
• 1,000s of national Days of Prayer have been held.
• 90 Memorandums of Understanding and Team Agreements have been signed by leaders of different denominations agreeing to incorporate the vision into their priorities.

Comments received at the end of the consultation included: “UCPI is a flame of the Holy Spirit to kindle the nation soon.” and “UCPI has touched many hearts of senior church leaders who go with one mind to reach out.”