Calvary Pentecostal Church

Richardson, Texas, USA


725 W Arapaho Rd
Richardson Texas, USA


Sunday worship at 9:30 AM

Calvary Pentecostal Church was established on July 31st 2005 by a small group of like-minded believers who saw the need for a dynamic and progressive Pentecostal church in North Dallas. We envisioned a church that had Jesus Christ as the cornerstone and was led by the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The church started out as a fellowship of eleven families whose spiritual needs outgrew the leadership and vision of their former church. This group of young leaders started this new fellowship, by faith, after weeks of prayer and seeking guidance from God. For the first few weeks, the fellowship met for weekly worship and prayer at family homes looking for God's guidance for the next steps. For the next two months, the fellowship met at rental facilities in local hotels and continued to pray for God's vision for the future of the fellowship. Capable elders and deacons of the fellowship provided strong leadership and guidance during our early days. All members of the fellowship gave freely of their time and resources to help support this new vision. We continue to be blessed by the prayers and counsel of our elders and the generous support of our members.

On September 25th 2005, the church unanimously adopted a new Constitution. The new church, after much prayer and consultation, requested Pastor Daniel Samuel to take charge as the Pastor of the church. The newly organized church appointed Pastor Daniel Samuel through unanimous consent of the Board and the General Body.

On October 16th 2005, the fellowship moved to a rental church facility in Farmers Branch.

On July 23rd 2011, the fellowship moved to the current home at Richardson. Pr. Daniel Samuel served as the pastor of the church through 2011, followed by Pr. K J Kuriakose from 2012-2016, followed by Pastor Roy Antony from 2017 - 2019. Dr. John K Mathew currently pastors the church.

In addition to regular week-night and Sunday services, the church's vision has expanded to include community services activities, outreach programs, youth group activities and several international mission projects. The Calvary Church continues to seek new ways to share the love of Jesus Christ with people across the community, nation, and world.

God continues to bless this church through visible signs and miracles. Our faith-based services emphasize the evident power of the Holy Spirit that continues to lead many to the Saving Grace of Christ and is continually adding new souls to the church.