St. George Orthodox Cathedral

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


W24-02 Al Mushrif
P.O. Box: 883
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

In mid 60’s the boom attracted many foreigners, including Malayalee Christians, to Abu Dhabi. Rev. Fr. K.K. Punnoose. M.A., B. D., S.T.M., (L L H.G. Stephanos Mar Theodosios Metropolitan of Calcutta Diocese, India) Vicar, St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, Bahrain, used to visit this area at regular intervals to look after the spiritual needs of our people. He had managed to organize a prayer group of our own. A meeting of our members was held as per his request on 29th Nov ’68, and elected an Ad-Hoc committee and decided to have evening prayers on all Fridays. The evening prayers were continued without break until the arrival of Rev. Fr. T. A. Jacob as resident Vicar