Church of Good Jesus


Nachinola, Goa, India


Nachinola Goa, India

Church of Good Jesus

The Church of Good Jesus, Nachinola, Goa is called ‘Bom Jesu Igreja em Nachinola, Goa’ in Portuguese. The Church of Good Jesus, Nachinola, Goa is popularly called ‘The Nachinola Church’ locally in Goa. The Nachinola Church founded by the Franciscans was built by the villagers of Nachinola in 1676. The cemetery of the Nachinola Church was enlarged in 1998.

Religious Orders based in the Parish of Church of Good Jesus, Nachinola, Goa
Mission Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles (SRA) based at Bom Jesus Home for the Aged, Nachinoa, Aldona, Goa.
Sisters Adorers (Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity)(AASC) based at Fatima Villa, Nachinola, Aldona, Goa.