Mana Telugu Association Germany (MATA)

Munich, Munich, Germany


Munich Munich, Germany

Mana Telugu Association Germany, was established in 2015 by a group of enthusiastic and social service oriented Telugu people of Munich. The association is registered in Munich, Germany, as a non-profitable organization to operate under the short name "MATA".

MATA organizes and operates under its own constitution and laws which are defined by the founders in line with German legislation, and the same will be amended time to time to provide better services to the Telugu culture loving people in Germany.

MATA, a non-profit organization, main objective is to bring together all Telugu culture loving people residing in Germany, to establish Telugu literacy and cultural activism to build, maintain and promote understanding and cooperation.

MATA also brings people together for cultural and recreational purposes but clearly with a non-political and non-communal motive, this is to forge and promote cultural understanding and relations.

MATA also provides financial aid to philanthropic educational and scientific institutions and to perform any other charitable activities related to its scope.