With great happiness I share with you the miracle our Lord Jesus Christ brought in my life. My father (late) Rev. Christian Paul was Assistant Head Master in Bishop Heber High School, Puthur, Trichy in South India. He also served as an assistant presbyter in the All Saints’ Church, Trichy (Church of South India). My mother worked in the All Saints’ Training School, Trichy first and later she was the Headmistress of All Saints’ Middle School. Though I was born in a Christian family, I was reluctant to accept the Lord’s salvation.
From childhood I was greatly interested in Football (Soccer). After graduation I completed the Physical Education Degree in the Alagappa College of Physical Education and was appointed as Physical Education Director in Bishop Heber Higher Secondary School, Teppakulam in my hometown, Trichy. I had a very successful career. Then I was married and blessed with three sons.
In 1983 I had a heart attack after which active life in sports was not possible. I had captained my college football (soccer) team and also participated actively in athletics. So when my illness brought me to the verge of death it was very difficult to accept it. Who can deliver me from the clutches of this deadly sickness? I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to leave my children fatherless. I thought of my debts that had to be cleared.
Hallelujah! Many people were praying for me. On the second night after I was admitted in the hospital, I had a wonderful experience. My wife who had a great burden for my soul sat by my bed, reading the Bible and praying for my salvation and healing. While I was thinking what would happen to me if I died that day, she started reading Psalm 91 aloud. Suddenly I heard verse 10 of Psalm 91 – it was a comforting promise. “No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.” I asked my wife to read it again. With renewed interest and greater care she started reading the psalm again. Then silently I prayed and made a vow.
“Lord I am a sinful man. If you spare my life I will henceforth live for Your glory. Forgive all sins I have committed in my life.” That night I received a miraculous healing. After careful examination, the doctor discharged me from the hospital. He advised me to avoid fatty food, hard work, climbing stairs and instructed me to take medicine regularly.
The whole family began to seek the Lord in prayer. I began to love God and His word. The day before I rejoined the school, I sat alone at home talking to the Lord. My father, a presbyter, had often told me to follow him in God’s service. But I had refused saying that I wasn’t fit for God’s service and my brother could continue in my father’s footsteps. Now I asked the Lord if He wanted me to do His service.
The Lord blessed me with abundant joy, peace, and comfort. One day I received the anointing and filling of the Holy Spirit. From that moment onwards I had a great burden to share this joy with all people. After I regained my health I started to love and to seek God. I had a great longing to know more & more of God’s greatness. I spent much time in prayer, Bible reading and fellowshipping with the Lord’s children.
The Lord blessed me with His gracious gifts and prepared me for His service. Growing in spiritual life, I thirsted for more fellowship and communion with His children. Along with a teacher and his family who had been praying for me, I wished to form a fellowship to pray for God’s servants and His ministries. Hence the fellowship under the name of “Jesus Sword Prayer Band” was formed. According to His promise, the Lord prolonged my life and I praise Him. I dedicate my whole life to tell of His love to all people. All glory, honour, and praise be to His name.